Goodwill (W 14th)

7 W 14th St, NY, NY 10011, (212) 206-1619

If you ever find yourself near the Goodwill close to Union Square, you might not find it to be a shopping extravaganza. This modest store, with its low ceiling and limited space, doesn’t offer a wide selection of clothing options. The organization is basic at best, with a simple separation of men’s and women’s clothing, and the fitting rooms could use a bit more attention in terms of cleanliness.

The clothing selection gives off the vibe of items that have been picked through for a while, with no standout brands or particularly stylish pieces. However, if you’re searching for accessories, you might stumble upon a hidden gem among the racks. The prices are reasonable, and while the staff may not always be readily available to assist, they can usually be found at the checkout desk, diligently managing transactions.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for high-quality, trendy clothing, this might not be the best option for you. However, if you’re seeking a budget-friendly alternative and don’t mind a bit of a search, the Goodwill near Union Square could still be worth a visit. I’d rate it a modest 3 out of 10 for its affordability and potential for finding unique pieces.

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